Is your air conditioning eating up more money and energy than it should? Here’s how to tell if your HVAC is energy efficient with some quick tricks.
With the increased cost of living and climate change growing more serious, having a functioning HVAC system is no longer enough. You’re probably curious about how to tell if your HVAC is energy efficient too. Whether at home or in the office, understanding the signs of an efficient air conditioning system can save you money and reduce your environmental impact.
Luckily, there are a few quick tricks to restore confidence in your unit. Here’s what you can do to see whether you have efficient air conditioning:
Check Your Energy Efficient HVAC’s SEER Ratio
The fastest way to verify you’ve got an energy-efficient HVAC is to check its Seasonal Energy Efficiency (SEER) Ratio. This rating is usually stated in your unit’s user manual, and most modern units have an energy efficiency rating between 13 and 22. A higher number means higher energy efficiency.
Maintain Your Aging HVAC
HVAC units aren’t cheap and regular maintenance can seem expensive, but those dirty filters and overworked parts can deal a bigger blow to your wallet in the long run. Systems that don’t run efficiently may have to go on higher energy consumption levels just to maintain your preferred temperatures. If you own an HVAC unit that’s over ten years old, we strongly recommend investing in more frequent unit maintenance to help you get more years of use out of the system while maximizing its efficiency.
Get the Right HVAC for Your Space
Yes, size does matter for HVAC units. An oversized unit will frequently cycle on and off, while an undersized unit must run constantly just to keep up. In both cases, you won’t be getting energy-efficient performance.
When buying a unit, come with an estimate of the area you need it for. A professional can help you determine the correct size and secure the right model.
Check the Ductwork
Noticed a sudden jump in your electric bill, or your unit struggling to cool down the room? The culprit is most likely to be leaky ducts. The US Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy found that duct leakage is the most common source of performance issues in HVAC systems, with 90-100% of systems tested needing repairs to the supply or return air ducts.
So, the lesson here is to check your ductwork and make sure that it’s still in good condition. This can be labor intensive depending on the kind of system you have and where it’s installed, so make sure you set aside plenty of time for maintenance and call in a professional if you can’t do it yourself. Sealing and insulating ducts with gaps, holes, or disconnections can improve efficiency by ensuring that more of the conditioned air reaches its intended destination.
Maintain Proper Airflow
HVAC systems function as the lungs of your home. It dispenses regulated air through ducts and vents, gathers up the used air to refresh it, and repeats the process. Throughout, it’s checking to ensure that every room gets enough air.
And this is a tough job! The US Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy found that all regions studied had problems with low airflow more than 50% of the time, while high airflow problems occurred in 8-15% of systems.
Low airflow is an issue because the unit must run longer to reach your desired temperature, which also increases energy consumption. In the long run, it also wears down other components in the unit, like the compressor and blower motor. Check for dirty filters, blocked ducts, malfunctioning fans, or closed vents—these are the usual culprits for low airflow.
On the other hand, high airflow is energy intensive because the system works harder to push all that extra air through the ducts. This can lead to unpleasant drafts, uneven temperatures, and frequent switches through different cycles. Fortunately, this can easily be fixed most of the time. All you need to do is switch to more favorable fan speed settings.
Use Smart Thermostats
Smart thermostats are a godsend because they do all the hard work of maintaining optimal temperatures when you’re out or sleeping through the night. No more opening the door to a freezing home or waking up sweating in the middle of the night! A smart thermostat adjusts settings based on your schedule and preferences, making sure the HVAC is walking that delicate balance between maximum efficiency and keeping you comfortable.
These are straightforward tips on how to tell if your HVAC is energy efficient. Remember, a well-maintained HVAC system isn’t just a money-saver; it also makes your home more comfortable and improves indoor air quality. Whether you’re looking to lower your utility bills, reduce your carbon footprint, or simply enjoy a more consistent temperature at home, these tips are your gateway to achieving energy-efficient cooling year-round.
Contact APAC Air Today!
Ready to optimize your HVAC system for efficiency and comfort? Contact APAC Air today to schedule a maintenance check-up or to discuss upgrades that could save money and energy in the long run. Your home deserves reliable climate control, so take the first step toward a more energy-efficient future now!